Pet Insurance
Insurance for your pet can help reduce veterinary expenses and get additional discounts on various services and products.
You can get pet insurance for 30 GEL per month.
A dog or cat of any breed (including mixed or stray) under 10 years of age.
Medical expenses and accidental damage to the pet are covered by the insurance.
Irao Assistance - 24-hour hotline
Planned and emergency hospital services
Planned and emergency outpatient services
Emergency hospital services due to accidents
General services are available at any accredited veterinary clinic, while vaccinations can only be administered at partner clinics.
Vaccination can be carried out only in specified clinics:
- "Vet-life"
- "Agrarian"
- "Vet House"
- "Georgian Animal Federation"
- "Ab-Vet Buneba"
- "Ocho"
To view the sales and offers, visit the link.
- Go to any authorized veterinary clinic or licensed pharmacy chain and request a Form 100 or an official prescription.
- Pay the full-service fee and ask for confirmation documents. To receive reimbursement, upload medical and financial records through the IRAO portal or app.
- Ensure to upload the receipts and documents within 30 days of receiving the service. Retain the original documents for six months.
Upload medical prescription document/Form 100 and payment receipt.
The payment period is within 5 working days.
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